Compute Instances with no Noisy Neighbours

Deploy an instance with RillaCloud

RillaCloud 1

Geekbench 4.2 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
25 GB SSD | 1 CPU | 1024 MB, RAM | 1 TB
No cPanel/whm

RillaCloud 2

Geekbench 4.2 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
55 GB SSD | 1 CPU | 2 GB, RAM | 2 TB
Intel Skylake CPU - up to 50% Faster
No cPanel/whm

RillaCloud 3

Geekbench 4.2 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
80 GB SSD | 2 CPU | 4 GB, RAM | 3 TB
Intel Skylake CPU - up to 50% Faster
No cPanel/whm

RillaCloud 4

Geekbench 4.2 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
160 GB SSD | 4 CPU | 8 GB, RAM | 4 TB
Intel Skylake CPU - up to 50% Faster
No cPanel/whm